13: A. Staicu // Rewind
Power: Time Rewind
Everyone else dreams of being as powerful as their parents; for you, that is your worst nightmare. In your family’s homeland, Romania, your father, Dumitru Staicu or Silverwing, was a national hero. That was until he betrayed the Marked Alliance and sided up with super-villain Deathray. He was arrested following investigation by EPIC investigators, led by the Ocello parents. Now Staicu, Sr. resides in a EUROPOL affiliated maximum security prison on the Swiss alps and you have to live with the stigma of his name. You still visit him, though; after all, you are all he’s got left. Before this, amongst your peers you had high status, then you got ousted. You found out who your true friends were.
You prayed that the Mark would skip a generation. Without powers, you would not have to worry whether you too would turn to evil, like your father. Without powers, you would not have to stick in a community where everyone knows who you are and judges you for it. In your final year at Mistry Academy, you want to find your place and be accepted as one of the good guys. But are you truly a good guy?
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