03: E. Ocello // Hail Cannon
Power: Weather Control
You are the youngest child in a long-standing family of Marked, hailing from southern Italy. The Ocello family is closely knit, loyal, loving and fiercely protective. They prepare their children for the Mark from childhood, with taxing field trips and a library of musty tomes. Your parents are members of the EUROPOL sub-branch EPIC and have a lot of expectations for you. Your were the leader of your Legacy peers, and lead with bravado.
Your Mark came late and caused a lot of sleepless nights to you and to your parents. What if your Mark was mediocre? But thankfully the Mark did come; it granted great abilities and the entire family rejoiced. Of course, that meant that you would need to work even harder to prove your worth. “This is not the time for distractions, such as frivolities and love. You are an Ocello. You need to prove that you are the best!” That’s what your parents tell you and what you keep telling yourself. But under all that facade of bravado and confidence, there is a lot of insecurity and nervousness. What if you are not good enough? What if you are not the best? Maybe at the Academy you will learn to accept the other students as peers. Or maybe, against all your parents stand for, you will realise that want something else for your life.
03: E. Ocello // Hail Cannon Read More »