Position: School Medic
Power: Telekinesis
Novak’s childhood was spent in the foster care system. It was a tough childhood, the constant changing of homes and schools made it feel like nothing was stable. When their telekinesis first manifested and ripped the back off of a school bus, it just sealed Novak’s fate that they would never have a home.
The Mistry Academy proved Novak wrong. The teachers there showed Novak how to channel their abilities from torrents of crushing power into the finest and most elegant of touches. Just as Novak had been helped, they wanted to use their powers to help others, learning how to use their telekinetic skills with such finesse that they could literally conduct surgery with their mind.
Novak wasn’t ready for what was to come. The battle with Beacon left only death and destruction in its wake. All of the hope that had been instilled in Novak fled them, and in its absence grew one a dark and cold conviction–that war was coming, and the only way to win it was to fight the hardest. Novak has returned to the Academy to make soldiers for this coming war.