Power: Sense Lies
In the cheap end of Glen Park, Gill’s parents argued endlessly. As objects smashed on walls, Gill hid in the basement. This has filled Gill with bitterness, suspicion and mistrust: people were friends one day, enemies the next. One night, Gill’s powers manifested, allowing them to spot lies. Gill confronted their parents, calling out every lie they heard. Gill’s father began to weep and their mother went ashen.
From then on, Gill spent more and more time at the Heap. But Gill’s powers were torture: every time somebody lied, their voice became a screech. Gill decided they could no longer be silent, telling people every time they lied, and arguments flared more than ever. Now at Mistry, Gill tries to control their powers with meditation and iron self-discipline. Perhaps, here, Gill can finally find people they trust.