Power: Mind Melding
Varga was born in Budapest, and grew up as a petty thief – all the while looking to get themselves and their mother out of the slums. When they were in juvenile detention, they were ‘disappeared’ because Operation V wanted to try their serum out on a person already Marked. Varga didn’t die, their powers actually increased, but at the expense of their body. They are physically weak now, no stamina at all, but they can sink into the mind of anyone they touch and read everything. That terrified the doctors at the Lab who kept Varga isolated in solitary confinement – which nearly sent them mad. When the Lab burned, Varga ran, because anything was better than that, even dying alone in the mountains when their body betrayed them. Luckily, Atkins rescued them but now Varga knows their secrets too…
Content warnings: Solitary confinement, isolation, physical weakness, homesickness