Power: Bullet Time
Back in rural North Carolina, Honeythunder always thought they were slick. They used their Marked ability—a burst of accelerated perception and movement that made the world seem to slow around them—in small, reflexive ways. Leaping between the traincars that rattled past their bedroom at night. Dodging the college kids’ cars up in Chapel Hill. Shoplifting. They picked pockets as much for the challenge as the money. They were good at it, too, thanks to their Marked ability. But not so good that Cameron Redlaw didn’t catch them in the act. Cameron taught Honeythunder how to extend their their powers for longer and longer, showing them how juggle more and more balls. After Cameron’s death, Honeythunder toured with a celebrated artistic circus as a juggler, but soon realised they would not learn what they needed to know. Instead, they came to Mistry Academy. They arrived as a angry young person with a chip on their shoulder, but, in their time at Mistry with others like themselves, Honeythunder has mellowed.